Friday, July 20, 2007

Crediting Tips

1. False Information - Giving false information will make it not credit. The advertisers pay money for your interest in their program. If you seem not to take interest or use a fake name such as billy bob or a fake address such as 123 rainbow road, then most likely they wont approve.

2. FILL OUT THE SURVEY COMPLETELY! You should fill out each survey completely even if it says e-mail or zip submit. Just because it says e-mail or zip submit doesn't mean that's all you have to do. For MPG, CPC, and GG offers you have to fill out AT LEAST the first 2 pages. For everything else, continue to fill out the entire survey until you come to a confirmation page that says something like "Thank you for participating", etc.

2. Cookies aren't cleared - Clear your cookies after every offer and you will tend to see more approved offers. Alot of the offers are from the same company and alot of information can get clogged up in your temporary files. I would have to advise to use ccleaner.

3. Make sure you complete the offers entirely - Not going until the last page of the offer or forgetting to answer a question can make them not approve. Usually most offers say thank you once you completed the offer in its intirety.

4. Confirm emails - Many offers require you to click a link in your email to confirm your registration with them.

5. Use different valid e-mails

If you follow these instructions and tips you shouldn't have any problems getting offers and surveys to credit for you. Pass these tips onto your referrals and friends so everybody can have a smooth and enjoyable money-making experience at

Friday, July 13, 2007

Referral Banner

You can now use these referral banners to get your friends, family, and co-workers to sign up with

Small Banner
Large Banner
Large Banner

Things are up, but not ready...

We're in the process of building to be one of the best GPT programs available online. The website is already operational, meaning that you can sign up and refer your friends to the site (15%,4%,2%). However, at this time you cannot complete any offers for money. We're in the process of testing the site and working with our advertisers to bring you a large variety of offers, both free and non-free. should be fully operational within two weeks from now... so start telling your friends and building your referral downline!

Have suggestions to make our program better? We want to hear what you have to say! Leave us a comment.