Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August Referral Contest

August Referral Contest Info

The top 5 referrers of will be paid in a variety prizes. Good luck to all members participating in the referral contest :)

Here are some tips to gaining more referrals:

  • Tell your friends, family, and co-workers about Everybody is interested in making some extra money. Be sure to ask them for their e-mail address or give them the URL of your blog/website so they'll be sure to sign up under your referral link.
  • Make a blog or website promoting your referral link. You can sign up for a free blog at They're extremely easy to setup, post, and maintain!
  • Print flyers and go doorhanging. If you live close to a college campus, this works extremely well with gaining new referrals. Post flyers only with permission, of course :)
  • Post your link all over the net... as long as it isn't spam!

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